Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Only a few weeks late, here is my Labor Day weekend post! :-) In the past I did most of my posting after the kids were in bed--usually between 10:30-midnight. Now, for some strange reason, once I get the kids to bed I can't wait to get there myself. Hopefully this to will pass and I will be able to resume my midnight postings.

Labor Day weekend had our little van packed and headed to the far away state of Michigan. We had a great time and as always it just went too fast!! Mark and I had to try to explain to Khara several times, "why do the days go so fast, it seems like we just got there and now we are already on our way home....:-(" Late Monday evening, a little over 1,600 miles later, we arrived back home--safe and sound.

Random pics. for our weekend in a very mixed up order:

A little blurry due to being a night shot-- Kaden and Ryan really hit it off one night around 11:00. I think they were the only two kids still awake.

"And it all started with......"

The cousins had a blast picking and eating some of the grapes that were ready.

Ice cream time. (Kaitlynn even has one in the background) :-)

The newly created fort among the many grapevines.

Brother against Brother.

Our farewell breakfast at IHOP.

Ryan and Evan...need I say more?? j/k :-)

Greg and Kaden.

What most little girls love to do.


Les said...

So glad to see you back! Glad you had fun, but those kind of trips are always too short. Are you just tired, or sick too? (I know, I say "just" like it's no big deal, I know it is when you're trying to take care of everyone else too)

Jana said...

Hey Les--Thanks for checking in with me!! :-) I am pretty much over the "sickness" part(thankfully), now I am just totally exhausted. I remember being tired w/ my other 3 but this is quite a bit more. :-( Maybe because I have even that much more to get done?? I'm trusting this will soon pass as well!! :-)

Les said...

It will pass and you will realize sleep is over rated! Praying for you!

Adam & Val & Aubrey & Annie said...

Great pics! Looks like you all had a really good time. I absolutely love the picture of Ryan and typical!!! I miss them so much. Thanks for posting the pictures.

Brenda said...

Looks like you had a great time. Love the picture of the girls playing dress up! :-)

Anonymous said...

I've tried to leave comments on your blog several times in the past without success. I just discovered, today, that all I have to do is click on "Other" and - voila - it works. See - you can teach an old"er" dog new tricks. :-)
Love you all and I'll will be checking in again soon. Aunt Joy :-)

southernsweetie99 said...

Looks like you guys had a great trip. You know I never really thought of grapes growing in Michigan! I guess I am bit of an airhead at times! Hope you are taking good care of yourself, I will be praying the Lord gives you a little surge of energy! :) ~Lisa Graham Pond

Anonymous said...

While you all were enjoying the Labor Day week end in Michigan, I was enjoying it with my grandchildren in Florida. I can't tell you how much your kids look just like the Burley boys as I knew Mark and Greg and Gene, when they were growing up. It was good to see all three of you guys there with Mom and Dad. I just seen and spoke to them last night at their Revival Meet. It was good to see them the last time I seen them they were in Florida. I pray all is going well with you and your family. Love & Prayers, Eileen

Greg & Stephanie said...

Hey Jana - I'm just cracking up at how clean, tidy, and well-dressed our kids are! It doesn't seem too important when you're sitting outside all day with them smearing themselves in grape juice, ice cream, and all manner of mud, but when it hits the'm feeling rather proud! Hopefully I'll get my pics up soon so I can add to the embarassment!

Jana said...

Hey Stephanie-- You should see the pic. Mark took of you and I...ummm, let me put it this way, you can totally tell we are expectant moms on vacation!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Love the pics Jana, this blogging is so addicting! I wish I would have started sooner! Love to you all!