Monday, August 20, 2007

Our Week of Church Camp

Last night we said good-bye to another year of camp-- kind of sad!! Since last Sunday, I am now 14 services stronger. For having had temps. in the 100's and still feeling much less that normal, that was quite an accomplishment!! :-) Bro. Pierpoint did an outstanding job of bringing wonderful messages (along with some great stories).

After I get all of this laundry caught up and some girls use to getting to bed early and up early, I think our live may begin to take on a little bit of normalancy.
Khara, Kelsey, and Cara, counting some of the money rounded up for Children's Church.
Kaden really hit it off with the cooks which earned him some special privileges into the kitchen after services. I think it was four bowls of watermelon this night.
He offered some to his little friend, Ireland Moomaw.

Khara and Kelsey look forward to this week of camp all year!!!!

Cara and Kaden about to get plowed over my men moving pews. Notice all the little hands ready to grab and pull. :-)

Some of the kids and teen workers in the Children's Services.


Martha C said...

What a trooper you are - and being pregnant, too!

Brenda said...

Kaden is his mother's son - eating all that watermelon! :-)