Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Day of Deals

I just Love auctions!! Today we went to a great one!! A daycare in ElDo was closing and selling all of their supplies. They had more toys, books, craft supplies, and outdoor toys, than I had ever seen at one sale. The crowd was small, so it was a good day for the buyer. :-) We came away with some really good deals.

Some of the more than 150 books that I bought. My plan is to swap out most of the books on Khara and Kelsey's book shelves Monday with the ones purchased today.

My DEAL OF THE DAY---37 book/tape sets for the whopping price of $7.00.

A familiar sight at our house this evening. :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is totally incredible. That was some sale! You were definately at the right place at the right time. Happy reading and listening.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to find a deal like that. Mollie loves to look at books and have them read to her. That's a good idea to switch out their books. We have our favorites but some of them we are just tired of. I have found some good deals on books for her on E-Bay, but nothing like the deal you found!

Nancy said...

How fun! Sounds like your kids are book crazy too.