This was a post I started a month ago and never finished it up. Hopefully old news is good news.:-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wow, I feel like I am so far behind on posting that I don't hardly even know where to start. I am finding it much quicker to jump around facebook for a little while. Maybe this summer I can get back on my blogging schedule!! :-)
A couple of weeks ago Khara and Kelsey had Track and Field Day at school. 3rd grade(Khara) was in the morning and 1st grade(Kelsey) was in the afternoon. Mark has such fond memories of his school Field Days that he took a day of vacation. We were so glad that he was able to be there and watch the girls participate!! They each brought home several ribbons!!!!
Khara lining up for the 100 yard dash.
Gotta love the sack race!! :-)
Khara with some of the girls in her 3rd grade class.
This picture just cracks me up! If you look at the above picture you can see the girls that are lined up ready for the 50 yard dash. Once they said "GO"--Kelsey was off!!!! She won first in this race by a long shot!!! Check out the length of her stride :-)
Little Karson enjoyed the day!!
My mid-afternoon the day was starting to seem a little long. The high jump mats came in handy for these three guys! :-)
Wow--I'm actually blogging--kind of shocking to even myself! :-)
Tuesday Karson had to have a little surgery on his top four baby teeth. For some reason,that I'm still not sure of, those 4 teeth came in without the enamel on them. Without enamel, teeth do not hold up very well at all. He had four shiny, white crowns placed on those teeth. If you've never had to have a child "put under" be ever so thankful!!!
After arriving at the hospital, trying to keep him entertained.
Talking with the Dr. one more time before heading to the O.R. Just looking at this picture makes my heart hurt--what was ahead for this little guy was not fun!! :-(
Trying to sleep off some of that anesthetic.
An arm this little is just not suppose to have an I.V. in it!!
Post surgery, eating for the first time in over 15 hours--he gladly accepted the graham crackers.
Homeward bound--FINALLY!! The surgery was suppose to take 1 hour--it took two. The expected time in recovery was about 1 hour-- we were in our room for about 2 1/2 hours. So glad it's over!!!