Thursday, April 24, 2008

Random Happenings From Our Week

What a great week!! Here's a little run down of what's been happening in our little corner.

Monday I got all of our IHC/Ohio vacation laundry done!! Woo-hoo!! Okay, I thought that was quite an accomplishment. Remember, there are six of us and we were gone for almost a whole week!! :-)

Kelsey brought home from school her spring pictures. I told her today that she only has 16 more days of school left. She let out a war hoop. It makes me feel just a little sad, another kindergarten graduation.
Tuesday I took Karson for his two month check-up. ~16 lbs. 7 ozs. So huggable, loveable, squeezable, unbelievable!!

Later, we met some friends at the park to enjoy this beautiful weather. Then headed to Pizza Hut for lunch. Gotta love that buffet where kids eat free. :-) I didn't even get my camera out, just enjoyed some good ole' mom-to-mom conversations.

Wednesday I looked in the living room and thought I saw smoke. Nope, Kaden had just discovered how fun it is to make it "rain" baby powder. He went to church smelling good.

And let's's Thursday....I sent two girls off to school and a husband to work. Made peanut butter bars for the teacher's at Kelsey's school. Delivered those, before lunch. (They have parent teacher conferences today and P.T.O. always tries to provide a lunch for the teachers on that day.) And, made a trip to the greenhouse and ordered 100 strawberry plants that should be in next week. I'm EXCITED, (or maybe a little crazy) about getting into the dirt!! If it will ever quit raining, we should have some things growing around the Burley place. Oh, and I did all that with two precious little boys!Kaden was thrilled that he and Karson were both going to wear overalls.

Until next time,.....:-)


Brenda said...

Aww - loved the update! Kaden's "rain" is so funny and I love the 2 of them in overalls. Kelsey's graduation picture is adorable! I'm so glad to see this - I had a preschool call me just yesterday to do their graduation pictures next week. :-)

The Arender's said...

You had a busy week girl! I admire you...I could take lessons in the laundry dept. Folding clothes is NOT a task I enjoy.
Loved the update. Have a great weekend.

Liz said...

Oh my, and I thought cleaning my bathroom was an amazing accomplishment for my day! :>)

Love the pictures!

Liz said...

I was wondering if you could help me out. If I'm remembering correctly Kaden wore a little knickers outfit at Dana's wedding (May 30!!!) . . . I'm wondering where you got it? Would you mind to e-mail me?

Thanks a lot!

Robyn Huff said...

Jana, I was so happy to come across your blog. It is nice to see how "old" (err...I should say friends from the past!) are doing!

Robyn (Waits) Huff

Kendall and Leanna said...

Wow! you're a busy mama!:)Kelsey's picture is so cute! The boys are adorable in their overalls.

Jana said...

Liz- Check your e-mail. :-)

Robyn- I's been a long time!! Great to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Jana just thought I say high and give you a little math for your Laundry accomplishments .If everyone just wore one outfit a day plus Jammies that is 42 pieces of clothing a day and 294 for a week!!! I think you did very well.!
No wonder we are overwhelmed at times.
Jodi Randel

Maggie said...

love the pics...the kindergarten graduation pics are really nice!

Your little guy is so cute. Growing so fast!