Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Back In December...

Wow-- The middle of January already??!!! What a great Christmas season-- so great that I didn't take the time to blog about alot of it. For the sake of my own "blog diary" I'm going to jump back into December for a few posts. If you're kind of tired of seeing Christmas stuff, check back in February.. I might have January's happenings up. ;-)


Karson and I went to Kaden's 1st grade classroom one day to help the students make gingerbread cookies/ornaments. "Knead it, roll it, cut it.. maybe eat a little of it..". Such a fun activity!!!

I wish I had taken a picture of the giant cookie sheet lined with all of the ornaments. His teacher let them "be creative" with their extra scraps of dough. That cookie sheet had all kinds of creations on it!! :-)

We helped out at Kelsey's 4th grade Christmas party. Lots of games, food, and fun!!

Karson reaps so many benefits from having older siblings!! :-)

Kaden's class had a story contest. His teacher read them a story about Santa getting stuck in a chimney and then they had to write how they would get him out. Kaden won the contest and she, I mean SANTA, sent him this package and letter under the class Christmas tree. I think some of those 1st graders were completely spell bound with the magic of Christmas and Santa after she read them the letter!! :-)

Mrs. Sayler, once again I mean SANTA!!!!!, knows his L.O.V.E. of hunting and made him a very happy little boy with this gift!!! He/we are blessed with an Amazing teacher!!!!

Kaden was thrilled to give Mark and me the gift he had worked on so hard at school.

One of the gifts in someones treat bag, those cool 3D glasses. An amazing way to look at Christmas lights!!!

Khara's reaction to not having a Christmas party now that she is in Middle School.... What?!!?

just kidding... she loves Middle School!!!

Khara and Karson getting a little more school Christmas fun in, in grandma's room after school!! Ring the Reindeer

And then.... Christmas break began!!! Loved having all my kiddos home to enjoy the season to it's fullest!!!

To be continued...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bakin' Boys

I have two little boys (and two bigger girls) ;-) that just LOVE to help out in the kitchen. Last night I had planned to make monkey bread for their evening snack. Not the healthiest, I know, but hey: it's January, it was cold out, and I had several cans of biscuits on hand due to a great sale! Every child deserves a delicious bedtime snack!! :-) Kaden and Karson quickly let me know that they would love to make it.

Maybe it has something to do with pizza cutters... they love this!!

The finished product!! Paired with a tall glass of cold milk.. my children were very satisfied!! :-)